Thursday, January 13, 2011


Tuesdays are errand day. The squishies and I only go into town about once during the week and then make a trip in with Papi on the weekends sometimes. Town is 30 minutes away and it's cold and snowy and errands interfere with naps and I don't like germs. I happen to think that stores are crawling with germs. So we cram everything into one day a week. You know you're living in the Antarctic when you have to dress like this to run errands.

Do you like Bella's thumbs up. She's so proud.

You also know you are living in the Antarctic when it is 11:00 and the temperature outside is still only 1 degree. The sun was out so it was actually a beautiful day. We don't see the sun much in the winter here in the Antarctic. I miss you sun. Come back to me. I need you in my life.
Maddox loves Costco. He loves the samples. As usual, as soon as we entered the doors he started scouting them out. Much to my sweet squishie's excitement he caught sight of the BBQ Riceworks. I wasn't so thrilled. They had a few ingredients that I'm not a fan of but he had his eye on the prize and wasn't backing down.

It was love at first bite. He exclaimed "These are what I wanted in my whole life!!" His exact words, no joke. Dramatic much?
After all our weekly shopping we headed home. Maddox entertained Bella while I was at work putting away groceries and washing produce.

He read her about 5 books and then I heard him say "Okay Bella, that's all. Mommy, I mean, Maddox has to go cook now. No Bella, not now. I already read it to you 10 times. I have to go cook now." I wonder where he could have gotten that line.
He is becoming such a helper. My sweet boy. I love my squishies.



love them! They are my sunshine in a cold and cloudy winter. And that is all I have to say about that.


  1. I can't believe how big bella sad!! THey are so cute...and sounds like you need to come to sunny Arizona right now it's about this time of year(but ask me in summer) and I hate arizona

  2. Get your butt in the car and drive down here to some real sunshine! You know we would have you back in a heart beat!

    Your babies are so beautiful, just like you.

  3. Gigi-I was ready to until I talked to my sister in Macon and she said it was only 34! I'm going to have to wait until March when it's warmer. :)
    Elizabeth-You have to stop rubbing that in my face. Payback is a beast you know and you have it coming this summer..unless your here with me..fingers crossed! ;)
