Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cabin Fever

Meet Mr. Climbey.

He is Maddox's new favorite friend.

This is actually Mr. Climbey #3, but don't tell Maddox.

You see, we have had a little cabin fever. Maddox found Mr. Climbey #1 on Tuesday. Bella quickly squished him. We didn't tell Maddox.

Later, Maddox found Mr. Climbey #2, thinking it was Mr. Climbey #1. He decided to make a home for Mr. Climbey #2 to keep him safe from Bella, go figure. We gave Mr. Climbey #2 a little Tupperware container home with cookie crumbs and a few drops of water. The next morning Mr. Climbey #2 was no more. As in deadsies. I got rid of the evidence before Maddox woke up and crossed my fingers that he would either forget about his ant friend or find another Mr. Climbey. Is it odd that I am wishing for ants to infest my house? Cabin fever will do that to you I guess.
Luckily Maddox did find a Mr. Climbey who he still thinks is Mr. Climbey #1.
After all this ant drama I thought it might be time to venture outside. Besides it was a balmy 38*! Woo hoo! After taking an hour to bundle up the squishies we headed out. Unlike Maddox and much like her mother, Bella despises snow.


despises snow.

There was one thing that made her smile. She loves that swing! Thanks Auntie Genny!!

Maddox, my snow lover, made a new friend that isn't an ant.
As always, it was nice to get out. And so nice to come back in and drink "The better-est hot cocoa I ever tasted!" according to Maddox. And I think Mr. Climbey would agree. ;)

Better-est Hot Cocoa:
Makes 1 cup
Serves 2 chilly squishies
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 Tablespoons Agave (can substitute sugar if you don't have agave, you just might need more)
2 Tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Combine milk and vanilla in a small saucepan.

Add agave.

Add cocoa powder.

Stir it around until the cocoa starts to dissolve.

Pour it in a mug and drop in some marshmallows. It's not hot chocolate without marshmallows.

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