Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday Walks and Farm Fresh Eggs

We have all these walking trails within 5-10 minutes of our house but since Winter lasts forever here we haven't really had the chance to go on any. Since yesterday was a GORGEOUS day we decided to check one out for our Sunday walk. The weather was perfect and we had a nice cool breeze. Luke (my hubby) and Sweet Baby Meat led the way while The Princess and I followed in the stroller.

Pretty nice view..right?

Taking a little pit stop on the side of the trail. Sweet Baby Meat is trying to get his Daddy to carry him like the "monster dog" from Alice in Wonderland.
When we got home I was hot and thirsty so after eating a huge bowl of watermelon and drinking a pitcher of water for some reason I was craving an Almond Joy. But since it is no processed or refined sugar for me these days I had to come up with my own creation...

..a chocolate coconut smoothie. So good. And no sugar!

The Princess wanted me to share.

So I did...just a little.
This morning Sweet Baby Meat woke up asking for eggs. Random..right? I guess it's not really. Over the weekend some friends of ours had asked us to collect their chicken's eggs while they were out of town and Sweet Baby Meat was dying to try one.

That is a turkey egg on the left, a regular chicken egg in the middle and a bantum chicken egg on the right (isn't it cute).

Sweet Baby Meat loved his egg so much he asked for another and another. He ended up talking me into regular and the little bantum one. That made him happy, as you can see.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Meet The Squishies

I finally did it! I started a blog! Since this is my first ever post I suppose introductions are in order.

So we'll start with Squishie #1..

..also known as Sweet Baby Meat.

Yes, he picked those Dandelions for me. He is my sweet boy and I can't even begin to tell you how many vases of Dandelions I've had around the house over the past couple of weeks. I must say though, it was pretty awesome seeing some color after what felt like 86 years of white snow. And who knew that Dandelions in a vase still turn into those white blowy things that scatter seeds EVERYWHERE..not me!
On to Squishy #2..

..also known as The Princess Queen of the Entire World (at least in her mind). On a side note: check out Sweet Baby Meat in the background checking out his hair in the mirror.
This girl is CRAZY! The complete opposite of Squishy #1. She is so feisty and not scared of anything! She totally dominates her older brother. And has her dad COMPLETELY wrapped around her little finger! But seriously, how could he not be..look at that face! Disregard The Princess' dirty face and my dirty hands..we were planting strawberries and apparently The Princess tasted some dirt.
As far as the veggie part of my blog title..we love our fruits and veggies. We try to eat healthy and have a healthy lifestyle. I figured if I included that in my little blog that it would keep me motivated to continue improving our eating and exercise habits.
So I think that's it for my first little's past my bedtime.